this is a bowl i threw and footed. the footing is very pretty, it think. i need to manage the inside better. i have the slight ridge towards the bottom on the inside of the bowl that i can't get rid of. simon leach is always saying that's the mark of a new potter. there's also a bit of chattering going on around the base. it's somewhat visible in the larger image.
one of my new mugs. the mugs evidence a lot of improvement. i'm very pleased with them.
here's a teapot i made. i was trying to completely enclose the top so i ended up with a bottle/jar form instead. i plan to make teapots out of these bottles whenever one happens.
I was playing with faceting here. i plan to go back to it. i have a slew of mugs i need to make first. btw, on the mugs, they are starting out a bit larger but the shrinkage rate is phenomenal.
a dish i did. i'm gonna hold off on making many more dishes. i need to work the kinks out of bowls and straight cylinders.
the bowls i used for my 2d and 3rd attempts at making a square footed bowl. i threw them with no base. the second one will make a nice planter.
now the actual square-footed bowls (these are prototypes and thus need work):
a small hollow-rimmed bowl/teabowl:
i'm enjoying playing with hollow rims. i have more tea cups for which i haven't taken pics. i'll try to get some today.
the square footing is actually inspired by keith phillips squre mug.
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